Workshops & Retreats

Kooinda Farm will be hosting two upcoming events before the close of the year! Our 40 acres of pristine native bush is perfect for foraging weaving materials, and we have a selection of great venues for hosting workshops and retreats, including our huge 7m glamping bell tent set in the cool shady woodland. Future retreats will include painting days by our beautiful dam, and much more weaving to come.

Dreamcatcher Weaving

Sunday 22 Oct 9.30am to 12.30pm

Learning to make your own dreamcatcher! We will add feathers and tails, then look at how to do more creative weaving between branches and adding natural objects.

We will then have a morning tea and coffee break around 11am (bring your own snacks – tea and coffee provided)

The last hour will be spent doing some creative weaving on branches, doing half moons, and christmassy hoops so you will have lovely creations to take home.

Feel free to bring any shells or other trinkets you would like to incorporate into your weaving. 

COST $55 inclusive of all materials and morning break serving Kooinda Farm herbal teas

Plant Fibre Jewellery Making

Saturday 2 Dec 9.30am to 12.30am

An Introduction and demonstration of making cord with different grasses and leaves to make your own simple amulet, necklace, or bracelet.

We will also look at the types you can use and how to prepare them for weaving. You can then make your own cord with the materials supplied before we go on a half hour foraging bushwalk. We will look at foraging materials as well as collecting any interesting items of nature to use for later. 

We will then have a morning tea and coffee break around 11am (bring your own snacks – tea and coffee provided)

The last hour will be spent learning how to add feathers and other natural objects to complete your jewellery for you to take home.

Please wear shoes suitable for bushwalk 🙂

Feel free to bring any shells or other trinkets you would like to incorporate into your amulet. Strips of fabrics can also be used if they have colour both sides, eg silks

COST $55 inclusive of all materials and morning break serving Kooinda Farm herbal teas

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