Our Roots


Kooinda Farm is a 100 acre chemical free horticultural farm of orchards and herb gardens. We are regenerative farmers, healing the land, building nutrition in the soil, sequesting carbon, and growing a wonderful range of produce, to give you the best and most sustainable happy planet products you can buy.

Kooinda means ‘happy place’ in aboriginal language 🙂


Our Products

We make exceptionally healthy and delicious Artisan Herbal Teas. The ingredients are grown on our farm or occasionally sourced from other local chemical free or Australian certified organic farmers. The herbs are hand picked, dehydrated using solar energy, and hand blended to perfection. So much love in a cup. We also sell packets of herbs for your own creations.

Comparing Kooinda Farm teas to other herbal tea is like comparing fine wine to cheap plonk. Just see the difference when you diffuse the herbs and they look as fresh as the day they were picked.


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